Become a Sponsor

Become a school IMPACT Award program Sponsor or Donor!

Donor – A way for anyone to support the school’s IMPACT website and program.  Every little bit helps! Only $10 a year and you can cancel at any time. That’s less than $1.00 per month for this outstanding program.

Sponsor – a $100 annual subscription includes:

    • Your logo or name on this Home site and the school site of your choice with a link to a destination of your choice.
    • Your own editable post/page for your personalized content!  Describe your services, offer discounts, show sale items, etc., or just express your support for the IMPACT program.  (Content will be reviewed before being published.)
    • Your logo or name, with link, listed on on every school IMPACT site.

To Donate – Become a Member first, then you will see instructions on the registration page.  Become a Member through the Sign Up page: Sign Up Here.   (Sorry, registration is temporarily disabled.  Please drop us a note on our Contact Us page.  We would love to hear from you!)

Thank you!